1:49 pm Tuesday, 12th August, 2014
Whether you’re a fella that wants to be able to make the ladies scream like a banshee at a wave of your *ahem*..magic wand or a lady who would like to lock herself away for an hour and effortlessly produce wave after wave of intense pleasure. Here’s how to get that not so difficult yet oh so elusive talent.
Fighting Fit Vagina
If you’re a woman wanting to become a seasoned multiple orgasm pro then you’re gonna need to get your vagina fighting fit. The deadlift of the vagina workout is kegal exercises which strengthen the pelvic walls also know as the kegal or pc muscles. To locate them, hold your urine flow mid-pee and to build their strength you should squeeze and hold these muscles for a few seconds at a time using sets of repetitions. Try this a couple of times on a daily basis and you will soon see the intensity of your orgasms rise. This is down to the fact that when a woman orgasms the movement she feels inside her vagina is her uterus contracting. So the stronger these muscles, the harder these contractions will be and she will have more control over these cogs of orgasm.
Round 2
No matter whether you’re the giver or receiver you need to remember to restart the foreplay process as soon as the big ‘o’ has happened. If you’re the lady, you may be hyper-sensitive everywhere but try not to pull away, lads, playing with her clitoris and vaginal area right after she’s come is going to be a bit too much for most girls. However take advantage of this sensitivity and caress elsewhere, brush the skin on her thighs, lick the bottom of her abdomen with the tip of your tongue and watch her writhe in pleasure. This will maintain arousal without being quite as full on as trying to flick the bean, eventually work your way down to her lady parts and make it a sensual build up as opposed to skipping steps in the delicate process of orgasms. Whilst all women are capable of multiple orgasm they are like men in the sense that the second orgasm is more difficult than the first.
G Marks The Spot
When working the G-spot, remember that it’s not quite as sensitive as the clitoris and will take more stimulation. Most women wont appreciate a rigorous stabbing movement against their G-spot. Instead, when you’re fingertips are resting against her hotspot then pull them back slightly and forth in a come hither motion.
Last of all, don’t put pressure on yourself! If you try to hard you’re going to over-think things and it wont happen. Likewise for the fellas, you should also be enjoying this process and it’s not about giving her multiple orgasms or even one orgasm for that matter. As long as she’s getting off on what you’re doing to her, who says there needs to be a grand finale?