Tell Tale Signs You’re Getting Dumped

3:47 pm Friday, 11th October, 2013


If you’re dating someone and they no longer have much interest in you, what are some of the tell-tale signs you should be watching out for?


You may notice that they no longer longingly gaze into your eyes or are completely unable to make eye contact with you at all. They will most likely appear quite cold when speaking, won’t initiate as much conversation with you or give minimal answers to questions you may be asking them. A person who is unhappy with their other half usually feels guilty or awkward each time they speak to them and avoids communication as much as possible, hence looking away or fundamental speaking.


They possibly wont show you the tenderness that they once did in happier times or pull away should you try to display it towards them, this will be because they don’t want to give you the wrong impression by returning any of your affections.


If they’ve been cheating they may begin accusing you of seeing or fancying other people to take the spotlight off themselves. Should they be playing away they may also accuse you of checking up on them if you ask simple and otherwise innocent questions, all this usually bears down to a guilty conscience.

If they’re no longer interested in sex with you or even if they are, don’t want pillow talk following, they may be losing their interest in you as this is when a lot of bonding happens within a relationship. Something else to watch out for is your partner showing others more enthusiasm whilst speaking than what they do to you and a flirt manner of conversation when taking to the opposite sex.

If they start being reckless with your relationship by doing things that would normally sabotage things, then they may just not have the courage to finish it with you. By performing these negligent actions they probably want you to have a reason to cut any ties yourself so that they don’t have to deal with the guilt and aggro that comes with ending a relationship.

If your partner is displaying one or any of these behaviours it may simply be due to circumstances that don’t involve you. Then again they might just have lost the passion that they once felt for you, either way you both need to sit down and have a serious discussion. Hopefully the relationship can be salvaged and the issues are easily solved, if not however it may be time to call it quits and move on for the both of your sakes. Should it be you that’s the one experiencing the signs we’ve listed, ask yourself why you may be feeling them and is there anything you can do about it. If not do the right thing by your partner and let them go, deep down no one wants to be with someone that doesn’t want them back.

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