Okay, I've realised I'm too cautious for this game. The more I read comments by people prepared to engage in risky sexual activity the more I see it as a game of Russian roulette. Maybe I'm affected by being a student in the 1980s when HIV decimated the gay community - I remember catching a moving event at the Edinburgh Festival, I remember it as a tapestry made up of cloth, each of the hundreds of pieces stitched on by someone who had lost a partner/friend. It didn't need words to convey the momentous meaning and it was a little odd to be so moved (tears flowing without control) by the scene. I don't know if that backdrop, the 80s AIDS reality is the reason, or whether I'm just the cautious type when it disease but the cavalier attitude of some people is frightening! Just to get this right, I'm certainly not risk averse - I take my chances and am not at all cautious about risking my life driving fast - when I'm in control. Anyway, these thoughts are helping me to weather the storm... calm or resigned...
Take care - and stay safe!
10:24 am Sunday, 19th August, 2012
Cautious is a good thing there bud. I am the same which can be a hinderance however better to be safe than sorry. The one bit of advice my dad gave be many years ago that I have passed on to my son now he is sexually active is never go wading without your wellys. |