How to eat Pussy ?

10:32 am Sunday, 8th March, 2020


Step One

After kissing I would take her hands, place them above her head a little forcefully and start kissing her neck. Then, I’d take off any top, leaving on her bra; I’d then kiss along her collarbone and shoulders and kiss the exposed flesh above the bra. Give her deep eye contact and kiss her passionately on the lips whilst taking off her bra. Then go down to her breasts, cup them, kiss them, flick your tongue over her nipples and if you feel like biting them, bite LIGHTLY. Continue sucking and licking her nipples for a few more seconds

Step Two

I’d then begin to kiss slowly down her body, along her waistline, and with one hand I would pull her trousers down ever so slightly and run my tongue along where her waistline was. This is usually where you take off her trousers! Keep her pants on for now… let her get comfortable. Kiss along the V where her pants meet her thighs and guessing whereabouts her clit is make an O shape with your mouth, place it over that area and give one hot breath over her panties.

Step Three

Tease her a little, kiss away from her lady parts down her legs and make your way back up again, do this down both legs, making sure you don’t touch her pussy. A lot of women tend to feel a bit exposed if you take her pants off straight away so when you finishing kissing up her thighs, move her panties slightly to the side and kiss around her pussy but not going for the prize just yet.

Step Four

When you feel her starting to arch her back, (she’s getting a little restless for you), with one strong tongue stroke lick from her vagina opening (NOT HER ARSEHOLE) upwards. When you feel a slight bump, just above the opening, (about the size of a pea) that’s her clit, don’t let go of it. (If you’re having some trouble finding it run a finger down her pussy and see if you can feel it if she’s horny you should have no trouble).

Step Five

Once you find her clit, start with slow, harder strokes and speed it up gradually. If you find she’s moving herself so your tongue is touching a different area that may mean you aren’t on the clit if all else fails, don’t be embarrassed ask if it’s the right spot, she’ll show you where to be! Increase your speed with your tongue; think vibrator, but listen to her body, pay attention, is she grinding faster and into you? That means press your tongue harder on her clit and flick faster. Or is she slowly grinding? Slow it down a little maybe flick a little lighter, her clit may be sensitive.

Step Six

When she’s nice and wet, and you can tell she’s enjoying in its always good to tell a girl how good her pussy tastes…. chicks worry about that stuff… God knows why. Under no circumstances do the alphabet with your tongue! Some girls like if you twirl your tongue in circles around their clit, but in all honestly, if you’re flicking your tongue in the right spot you really don’t need loads of variation, it actually becomes quite distracting and frustrating if every time they are getting close you change what you are doing…

Step Seven

Use your fingers. Now she’s loving your tongue, and she’s soaking wet… Look up into her eyes and then slide one finger slowly into her pussy. Then get straight back to that clit, most girls come quickest from combined clit stimulation and putting your finger/fingers depending how wet she is inside her, making a come hither motion with your fingers on her vagina wall and pressing harder or lighter depending again how she is moving. It’s actually always a good idea at this point to ask the girl how she wants it, to which she’ll reply ‘fast and hard’ or ‘more fucking’ to which you can finger fuck her harder but keep this pace up with how fast you are licking her clit. I.e. if you are fucking her fast, lick her clit fast.

There’s no designated process to all this, it’s down to the girl, but this is my general process. Pay attention to how she’s moving her body into you and every so often don’t be afraid to ask questions. Another tip of mine is not too much tongue; use just the end of your tongue. I find otherwise – (sorry to be so explicit) – but your saliva gets everywhere and she can feel spit dripping down her butt crack – not a great feeling!

What should we be thinking whilst we eat pussy?

You should be thinking about how much you love it and how hot she is! Sometimes your mind can’t help but drift. If you can’t stay focused on her try thinking about things that turn you on to keep up sexual momentum. When you’re thinking of errands you need to run or a joke you heard earlier it shows in your oral. This is a massive turn off for the girl! Keep focused on the moment and the task in hand.

For the women reading this, how should she communicate what she wants in order to get it?

Saying things such as ‘no I don’t like that’ is the wrong way to go! If you don’t like something-don’t react or give a sexy order like ‘uh more tongue’ if they re doing something good, lots of positive affirmation ‘you’re so good at this’ or ‘that feels so good keep doing that’. The worst thing you can do is say ‘you aren’t doing it right’ so de moralizing.

The Pussy Eating Summary

Keep this rough plan in your head but next time you have the chance to eat pussy focus on eating for your own pleasure!

If you are not sure what she likes then ask, ‘How do you like be eaten?” Or something similar. There is no shame in asking.

Women. Give your man the opportunity to ask and use positive language when he’s doing something right. Make sure this is an amazing experience that he’s going to enjoy again and again.

Don’t do the alphabet with your tongue!

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