Stuck in a no man's land

3:44 am Sunday, 1st December, 2019


It was a paradis****ating portals, I have been skimming profile requests and connect with many females across the geography of India. I have been bitten b****ppiness bug with many of them. However, the incident which happened last week was something surprising and worth the share.

One of my regular friend invited me over for dinner since it was her birthday. Her husband was out and she just wanted some sexual indulgence. I was happy to help her. Picked up her favorite wine and reached sharp at 8pm. As I rang the bell, another lady opened the door and I was taken aback. There were 4 other ladies apart from my friend. I thought she might have changed the plan and wanted to have a casual celebration. Alacrity in my face, I offered her the wine.

In another hour, the ladies were sloshed and I thought it was the time for me to take a leave. I was about to get up and my friend said, the party is not over yet. I smelled something fishy. She reminded me that she wanted some indulgence as she told over the phone. One of the lady announced, the buffet is served and all the ladies started getting undressed.

What happened for me in the "NO MAN"S LAND", I will leave it upto your imagination. By morning, I had received my return gift and some plans for the next group meet.

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Fantasy brimming beyond horizon.