3 weeks until Istanbul

3:06 pm Thursday, 26th July, 2012


The countdown has begun...cant wait. Lots of offers from single males, so hope they all turn up. One fool man from Ankara who thinks I am going to fly there just to have sex with him....I did say istanbul...if he doesnt want to invest the time and effort to see me in Istanbul, shows me that he isnt going to invest the time and energy in bed, or balcony, or shower that I need to enjoy him!
Anyway I am really hoping now for a couple of couples....my fantasy over the last few days is for the guy to fuck me long and hard, and for his partner to lick his delicious cum from my pussy....mmmmhhhh yeah, hope that one comes true


6:56 pm Thursday, 26th July, 2012 bigboy2013

The ppl from Ankara don't have things over there bec of culture bec of Muslim . Also they can't speak the English expect google translate also they don't no the kulture
So u might be disappoint . Also they are going to treat like a slag so they not really ready to have things like that

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