Fantasies are easy, anything can happen there. Reality is a whole other game, full of irritating hurdles and obstacles. I live very remotely. Going anythere involves either a ferry or a flight and probably 2 train journeys. How is one ever to be at the beck and call of a mistress like that?
Publicity and anonymity are concerns too. It isn't like a big city, there's no escaping the wagging tongues of neighbours. Everyone knows you and about you. Round here they are very church minded and disapproving of everything it seems. So I sorry no profile pics or similar unless or until I move somewhere more cosmopolitan.
Age is another niggling part of reality. I'm fit enough for my years plenty of walking and gardening helps. But I need glasses to read and my knees creak a bit. Once down on them I find it easier to stay down. OK, perhaps that's not so much of a problem.
None of that is impossible to overcome, but it makes things so much harder. Everything has to be planned and prepared in advance. Even then bad weather or bad luck can confound the best of schemes. So I dont make arrangements to meet casually, but if you are the right one I am sure things will happen.........