Cum let me lead us to Dance!

6:48 pm Tuesday, 1st October, 2019


Dance for me is an expression of passion that has the capacity for liberation, seduction, eroticism, and pleasure. Though not everyone is meant to lead, especially when it's left to only their penis that they are leading with. This is when you should allow me. Surrender to me. Gyrate to my sounds. Groove to my rhythms. Sing to my beat.  Move when I move, and be still when lead to. You are going to get wet. You are going to get sore. My movements will bend you. Twirl you, and heat you up. You will throb in places beyond your middle. And you will become intimate with desire. Then i'll spin you, and leave you alone to take a bow. Until next time.

Blog Introduction


It had been 15 years since I have officially been anyones mistress, but I'm back and curious to see what has changed if anything.  My personality has always been dominating, and many of the people in my life work to please me.