Couple looking for threesome feedback

10:53 pm Tuesday, 17th September, 2019


Hello folks and thanks for taking the time to read this. If you’ve read our previous two blogs then you’ll know that we’re a couple who love watching adult movies. 

For those of you who haven’t read our previous blogs here’s a quick recap: 

We’re a good looking couple in our late 30’s. Both UK based, she’s brown and he’s white. Love being in a mixed relationship and watching porn together. We turn the sound down and make up stories as to how the scenario came about. We make stories up to tease each other whilst watching and put each other in the scenario for a laugh. 

So recently we’ve been watching some brilliant movies with two guys and one woman. The thought of having a VWE younger guy who’ll do as he’s told is a real turn on. 

We get loads of people messaging with what they want but to be honest the buzz for us is to have a younger guy who appreciates the chase. Someone for her to tease. 

Maybe the first time meeting up for a hour to watch a few movies. Them leaving knowing the second time might lead to something a bit more and so on. 

Watching movies together and seeing someone VWE is a total buzz. The thought of taking our time with the right person, sending a few messages, then photos, links and stories. Meeting up to watch a few films, having a play and eventually with the right person meeting a few times a year for a night. 

Together inviting another female or couple to join in the future so we can buzz off them taking a VWE guy with us would be fantastic. 

We know fantasy is exactly that but are curious to know. Has any couple on here managed to find someone that is willing to join them on their terms. Someone that is willing to enjoy the tease and join them on their terms ?

When we watch movies together we always seem to end up with a VWE younger guy that’s willing to be teased and enjoys the journey. 

Someone we could build a long term friendship with and can trust. 

Seeing two white guys with a brown girl or even two different race guys with a brown girl looks immense. 

Has anyone managed to create this kind of friendship / relationship with someone. 

Blog Introduction


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