How did you 'come out' to your partner as being into swapping

12:02 pm Friday, 21st June, 2019


After years and months of being a bit nervous and running over scenarios in my head, I plucked up the courage to discuss sharing with my wife. So many worries about whether she would think I am odd, a perv, would it change how she looked at me or loved me had gone through my head because once done, It can't be taken back. What if she didn't want to and I did...all those kind of things. So, the moment arrived but I was given a small opportunity which gave me some courage. We had been out dancing and my wife had danced quite closely with a girl and shared a peck on the lips. Upon getting home I decided (with some Dutch courage) to approach the subject. It wasn't all open arms interms of saying we wanted the same thing. She was a but suprised but i explained my feelings and desires and importantly she listened and understood how I felt but also my nerves. We talked about limits and starting very slowly witg small steps at a time. I do have an amazing incredible wife who said if it makes me Happy, she will explore this journey as long as we are both happy. Its taken months and some lovely chats with people and plenty of nerves but we are getting closer to being ready for a real meet but at a pace we are both happy with as its a joint adventure. Anyway, it also got  us thinking about how other people approached it with their partners and how it went. X 


9:17 pm Tuesday, 16th July, 2019 reidamasseyGro64

 Hey look it's better than cheating get the best of both worlds 

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Married couple new to this. Looking for web or soft