I got out to play golf yesterday, for the first time this season. The weather was warm enough(around 50 degrees fahrenheit), not too windy, and not raining. I ran into a couple of the regulars, so we played together. It made things mostly social, as we caught each other up on our off season doings. That was fortunate, because I was - as to be expected - terrible. My playing partners weren't much better. We decided not to keep score, fortunately. As it is too early to in the year to properly cut the greens, putting was a challenge, but that's pretty much expected this time of year. It will be a couple weeks before they are ready to be cut properly. And today, the arthritis in my spine and shoulders is giving me fits! So, all in all, it was a great time!
On the kink front, there's been a lot of talk but no action. I keep missing people on chat, or have no time when I get one of those form emails. One of these days I'll get lucky and a couple of the folks on here I'd really like to talk to.