Late night scribbles

11:33 pm Thursday, 21st March, 2019


Hello Playmates!

So, what do I write this time?
life continues as it has always done, the Turbine's of Tedium spin in the background.

HumDrum HumDrum!

But I have made some interesting acquaintances here and had some amusing conversations.

I'm still in search of a nice lady, but friends are wonderful, the more you have the better life is.

So then, I shall tickle you with a few of my fetishes...

I find ladies in satin and velvet very sensual and sexy, I do have a glove fetish. Ball gowns are a turn on.

Leather and latex too, but more on that another time.

Have a great day, Playmates, take care of each other

Dr J

Blog Introduction


Bi male looking for an affair with a lovely CDTSTG