... that all you lovely people's were posting likes and things. I didn't know how to see my history or folks saw my pics! " I blush" . But thank you for your positive posts. A tear. You all shine with a light that I pray can transend me, in a room by myself. The letters fall upon the Matrix... letters in ones and zeros. They didn't remember this night, by myself, in a room and touching, with wandering fingers ; no not a Lover! This , thing , in my other , empty hand. But I thought I was alone. Knowing this feeling the reader read on .... where were they again , yes .. alone in a room. No , not so alone after all. Some saw. Some heard. Others, well we all know people that don't understand. But my invisible friends, those who are not realy there, as I am not realy hear, we see. We hear. We taste and smell. ( hopefully , not to bad to them,) but we are somewhere , some, time. In the only time that ever is... " there can be no past, for we are not in that time now! And the same has to be said about the Future. The past we past through as if that good time , that bad time , that ... Lover, would always be with us, somewhere in the Future. And we have our memories. In our head and heart. But tizz not now. And all your hopes and dreams for the future, are waiting with what happyness and pain waits also.. And we have our dreams. In our heads and hearts. But tizz not now. This now and only ever this now is the only time we ever have. All else is not here. Not in our now. This now of typeng/reading this for the first time. " And now you are hear, well, again' , thank you all , we may be close to going back to the garden to play. Innocent and free, as we once have done before, and will do again. NON of us are alone, ever. Never You think that. No my friends, tizz only I that is alone this night. Invisible and alone but happy and content. And I pray You are too. In this now of You , reading this, You are happy and content also. Xxxxx carla star xxx
9:02 pm Wednesday, 16th December, 2020
Lovely xx |