Before We Do The Deed, READ!

1:02 am Sunday, 10th March, 2019


Not a lot of people can put together 10 sentences for their pr.ofile summary. 

I wrote mine to be lengthy, but that's not because I was bored. I care about our compatibility as well as your preparedness for when we meet.

I may very well regarded your cure for your at-the-moment sex fix, but just like any med.ication, you still need to whip out the leaflet so you know what you are letting yourself in for.

Description: A bisexual female wanting to get out of the daily grind. Available on weekends mostly. Experienced (Super). Never paid for or never has to pay anyone for sex (but I do buy toys). Sensual. Strong even when wet.

Type: Strictly recreational, not therapeutic. Not intended for maintenance.

Dosage: Adjusted according to weight and age. Fitness level is essential. 7" is the perfect fit (for all holes).

Indications: For playing out of fantasies, fulfilling certain bucket-list items, or adding a new layer of experience for the already experienced.

Contraindications: Not for post-breakup purposes, rev.enge, or inciting jealousy. Not for the purposeless, clueless, and bored. Not for the jejemon and fresh grads.

Important: To max the effects of the med.ication and sustain excitement, never resort to small talk that includes these questions:

- How long have you been a mem.ber?

- How many people have you met?

- When was your last meet?

- Can you suck my c.ock?

- Personal questions (status, k.ids, employer, exact address)

- Sexual experience (done any threesome? Bi? Into younger men?)

- Preferred sex acts (swallow cum? Anal?)

Questions about compatibility should have been covered before the meet, which implies that you should have read my profile. 

Otherwise, there will be a reduction of potency: loss of interest and ruining the playful mood, anxiety, lack of or non-performance, hence, some adverse effects. 

Warning: No exhibitionist tendencies, no inclusion of voyeurs (this is not a free show), no pics on demand, dislikes vid calls, unsolicited voice calls, no asking for a number at the onset, ignores premature questions like 'So, are you interested?' and likes to keep vague prospects in inbox messaging mode until they are 'cleared'. 

It would be a huge waste of our time. Your failing to read about me is a crime.


1:07 am Monday, 11th March, 2019 MSBON

Which brings back that saying that men, yes, even the mature ones, don’t use the correct head to think before acting. Sometimes when our “intellect” gets aroused we can’t help it.😳

5:41 am Thursday, 14th March, 2019 HugeBagay07

Thanks. Its better to be aware before the deed.

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