Post #2 - What is my style in the bedroom?

10:37 am Tuesday, 26th February, 2019


The first time I got asked this, I honestly needed to stop and think about what exactly my style actually was! It was kinda embarrassing to say to that girl, I actually don't know! (and yeah, I lost that date because of it). I had never thought about it before, and prior to that time, whenever I met up with someone and had some awesome fun together, we both just went with the flow!

But as this question got asked to me a number of times, I started to give it more thought.

Thinking back over the fun nights I had over the years, I realized that there is no black and white answer....the fact is, what happens in the bedroom (or at the beach.....but that's another story!), is different from one experience to the next. I have been with girls who were really sweet and romantic. Our sex together would be labelled by most as "vanilla sex". Is there anything wrong with it? Absolutely not!! In fact, vanilla sex can actually become quite sensual, erotic, and passionate!! I found that girls who enjoy vanilla sex often had some powerful orgasms with me because we were emotionally connected.

There have been other times where we had a bit of a wild party evening, and things got quite wild and adventurous in the bedroom too! I would say we had some of the most intense and urgent fucking that left myself and those girls absolutely sweating and exhausted but satisfied by the end haha!

Then there is the more dominant side of me which I have come to really enjoy! I was quite curious about BSDM about 3 years ago, and I was fortunate to be in a relationship for eleven months where we both explored BSDM together. She was 8 years younger than me, and was really submissive. She loved it when I dominated her and made her my sub, and we experimented with everything from tying up, to handcuffs, to orgasm deprivation, to whipping and spanking, etc. The biggest turn on for her was when I pinned her down and pounded her, or when I used her like I owned her. She loved begging me to use her, and then got really turned on when I did that. One of her favorites was to beg me to use her as my slut, and I would pin her against a wall, or bend her over and grab her hair and fuck her. We had boundaries in these types of moments, and we both learned to respect them.

So yes, if you ask me my style, I am going to tell you that it is different from one girl to the next. Tell me what you want and what you need, and I will give it to you! Just like I will tell you what I want and what I need. It's about communicating with each other and having fun together!!

David 😈

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