The D-day of us in this lifestyle -2

5:29 am Friday, 1st February, 2019


Thanks for reading the first part.  Now let's see what happened.. 😝

The next day we hosted a dinner for him.  As agreed he came on time and we had a little chit chat.  Me and my wife s lil bit tensed.  He really helped us in easing our tension.  I asked her to sit with him and I sat at another single chair.  

I started serving drinks for all.  And started double meaning jokes.  He joined with me and eased the tension.  I took my glass and went to balcony.  From there I can see them, but they can't see me.  

My heart started beating faster.  What's gonna happen?!  How will I react?! 

He kissed her, taking her face in both his arms!! It was passionate and I didn't see any hesitation from her part.  Their mouths open wide, and his arms exploring her boobs. I am sure that she started enjoying the lifestyle.  

I went back to the room and reminded them to have our dinner. 

To be continued... 

Blog Introduction