We hope you get the message

4:02 pm Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019


My husband thinks I’m so hot that I deserve the attention of more than one man in bed.

At first, I hated the idea of me being shared with another man.  But he kept showing me these pictures and videos of two men with one woman having sex.   

One day, I tried watching a clip all by myself.   There was this rush of feeling as I imagine myself the one in that video.

Just the thought o****eing touched and kissed simultaneously by two guys on my erogenous parts, brings quiver to my body.

I told my husband that I am now****o his burning fantasy.  Primarily to please my husband, I promise you that.  Also, it has to be in a di****reet and safe manner.

We pref****his with us.  A couple whom we can enjo****nging out with and have a good conversation.  We were hoping for a couple to be patient and allow us to gradually experience the various ways of lifestyle.  What I meant is that start at having a same room sex that will evolve to a soft swap.  Once we get comfty with them, maybe try a full swap, threesome or foursome on the following meets to come.

We’d like to meet and greet couples in the days to come with no expectations in the initial meet.  We also would like to establish to guidelines we expect from you:  mutual respect, di****reet and safe sex practice.

That’s all we want from you.  We’d like to know you if we may through chats, text and whatnot before we initially meet up with you.

Leave your comments in this blog as we will only message to the couples who spent the time reading this blog.

Hope to see you soon!


1:29 am Thursday, 24th January, 2019 seekinglikeminds

Initial meet and greets should always be the first step.  It sets the mood for everything that will follow.  Being comfortable with the other couple, establishing that connection will equally be important.  The respect for established rules will show ones character.  I beg to disagree with those who believe that sex is all that matters in this lifestyle.  We peronally believe that intimacy and good conversation with good company can go a long way.  

4:24 am Thursday, 24th January, 2019 Ashleeybby24Anjou

Were looking for the same

4:18 pm Thursday, 24th January, 2019 ysabob

@anonymousrus wow reallt took you 3 yrs to finally do it... uhmm still feeling nervous about this if I can really do it😂  

2:46 pm Saturday, 9th February, 2019 secretcafe69

Your husband is correct. You sure got my attention.

12:36 am Sunday, 10th February, 2019 dokrp2016

Hi we r a soft swap couple. We would like to chat to get to know more! 😁

2:14 am Thursday, 14th February, 2019 Ashleeybby24Anjou

Yes please:)

2:14 am Thursday, 14th February, 2019 Ashleeybby24Anjou

Yes please:)

6:46 am Tuesday, 2nd April, 2019 Neelsar

Hello, we arealso going through similar thoughts as we are new to this life, not yet tried it even once. Bit confuse but also excited for any opportunity with a good couple who can be our friends also. 

Blog Introduction


Still the same Couple, just new Profile