Admission is good for the soul

10:10 pm Saturday, 19th January, 2019


On this day, L**** A**** admitted to 'doping' in all of his Tour De France victories. That's a pretty big admission of guilt. Considering his spectacular fall from grace, subsequent, law suits and financial loss of sponsorship, not to mention adulation and respect, would you have done the same in his position?

Come clean that is?

Whatever you think that was a pretty big deal, but considering allegations and the 'whistle blower' that led to his demise don't suppose he had a lot of choice.

Now if we could only get that Argentian c****, Maradona to admit that the good lord didn't intercede on his behalf.

Fat chance of that happening..... Love long and porsper! 

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'Vidi! Vici! Veni!' ... I saw, I conquered, I came