New Year's Resolutions?

7:36 pm Friday, 4th January, 2019


I do have a couple resolutions, But the fun one is to refine my cooking skills!  I can do basic, but feel like branching out a bit.  (It may be because I got a wok for Christmas 🙂 ) So my first effort of the new year, jambalaya, is on the stove right now; getting reheated after spending the night in the fridge to let the flavors blend.   I promised to bring some over to a friend's for dinner on Saturday, who happens to be an excellent cook.  It is kind of intimidating,  knowing how good a cook she is; but this one I think I did ok with.  I actually lost my recipe when I moved a couple years ago, so have been cobbling together a new one, based on someone else's recipe.  The recipe was pretty bland, so I've spiced things up a bit, to get my desired heat and spiciness in it.  And yes, I keep notes - so damn many of them on this recipe I'm going to have to sit down and rewrite it!  I'll portion it out in a minute, freeze some and set aside the portion for tomorrow night.   I'll let whoever reads this know how tomorrow's taste testing goes...
Next week, Chinese!

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Could really use a good, hard spanking or three