Ready to meet we think...

3:34 pm Monday, 22nd October, 2018


So, having been on this adventure and chatted to some truly lovely couples, sharing pictures and messages, it's left us wanting more, as in a meet but with boundaries as we are total newbs. However, whilst the idea is super sexy, the reality of a meet makes us both pretty nervous, especially the worry of expectation or pressure from others. M suggested a club but F doesn't want to go to a club as has concerns it would be too intense or 'seedy'. Unless there is a newbies night in a non sex club location its likely a planned meet may be the way but if you read our profile the fantasy is the spontaneousnes of it (we dont want much lol). So the questions for any readers are, what are clubs like and if not a club what is the best way to meet if you are in our position??? Be good to hear some experiences.


8:36 pm Friday, 30th November, 2018 waddy18

Clubs offer a safe environment for all. If your new to swinging set your limits before you go and don’t break them or you won’t enjoy it. Websites can be a nightmare. They are full of single men pretending to be women and also pretending to be couples so always ask for a timestamped pic of the couple you are talking to. It doesn’t have to be a face pic just body shots but the timestamp is important as you may think your talking to Dave and candy but I fact your prob just talking to Dave, cindy doesn’t exist. That’s why clubs work. You can see the people there. No bull and no photoshopped pics. Most clubs have a bar and dance floor where you can meet people and chat, then if you hit it off you can go and play. If your a couple don’t go to a club on singles nights tho. They are horrible places. Go on couples nights, it’s a totally different vibe. Look on here and check out club reviews. Not all clubs are great. For example we have 2 clubs within 5 miles of ya but we don’t use either as they are a bit gritty. We’re happy to travel for a hour or so for a nice place. But if you want my advice clubs are where you will find the real swingers. 99% of people on swing sites don’t swing. They just like to talk about it. 

8:39 pm Friday, 30th November, 2018 waddy18

Please forgive the typos I was doing something else while typing x

8:43 pm Friday, 30th November, 2018 waddy18

Also babe there is no pressure at clubs at all. Just stick to couples nights x 

Blog Introduction


Married couple new to this. Looking for web or soft