Complaint to "the Adult Hub"

2:01 pm Saturday, 20th October, 2018


Apparently we are getting targeted by 'the Adult Hub" and none of our latest pictures has been published. Other people also told us in confidence that our profile shows to them, as deleted, while we know very well that we are not deleted. 

Besides, why would they delete profiles that post nothing illegal, and pay money, right? Has this happened to anyone else? 
1) All our pictures bounce, even when we do not break any of their four rules for posting pictures. 
2) We get no messages and views, whatsoever, while we do know others viewed us, and tried to message us. 
3) Other people see us as "PROFILE HAS BEEN DELETED," but we are not deleted. We are here! 

PS: We did submit a ticket and we are awaiting reply, I am sure the great people at theAdultHub will answer in the proper manner.


2:08 am Wednesday, 24th October, 2018 BeijingCouple4MMF

We believe it what solved to everyone’s satisfaction. 

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Beijing couple looking for fun