Does male sizes matters...??!!

12:17 pm Sunday, 30th September, 2018


Hi all...

Many    sientific study cleary stated that even 3 inch sized male can satisfy his girl.. the ladies entrances 3 inches only  the sensual feelings... 

Then why 8 inch.. 9 inch monsters and anacondas.. its just a size...

The most factor is the foreplay , other games which leads to orgasms of ladies.. and also timing and stamina.. 

Never worry in that ur size ir only 3 inches...

 mine is 5 inches.. and i very well satisfying my lady by all the way.. 

Big sizes may make soar and tear ladies.. in which lady hve fear on sex.. and also that full sizez even cant enter fully into ladies...

So sizes never matters.. its attitude matters..

Be confident... do more soft skills... try honey.. nutella.. ice cream.. cherry.. oil body to body massages... and many more techniques...

And never let male to go fast, get some intervels with soft skills in between rides...

All the best guys and ladies..

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