The submissive path to confidence and well-being

5:28 pm Sunday, 23rd September, 2018


This is my first blog, so please be kind to me.

There are many uninformed and ignorant people who view submissive women as weak and lacking any direction or ambition. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. For most submissive women, submission is a positive life choice, made so that they can develop themselves and enjoy a fuller life.

Most of the unhappiness and stress we face in life stems from uncertainty about how to behave. We beat ourselves up about how we look, how other people feel about us, and how we can secure their respect and approval.

Learning - or being taught - to submit to a master removes this uncertainty and provides clear guidelines for attitudes and behaviour. A positive and productive dom/sub partnership develops a woman’s confidence, pushes back the boundaries and limitations that are holding her back, and allows her to enjoy life to a fuller degree than she dreamed possible.

We all have our own music within us. Many of us die with our music still in us. Through submission, I can help you to identify your own music and give you the confidence to sing it out loud

Blog Introduction


Music Master and Confidence Developer