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Living free making Love

10:03 am Friday, 21st September, 2018

What hinders people to live free making Love ? Would it not be much more nice to be member of a private Group in which making free Love could be lived ? Doesn’t matter marriaged people, other relationships or singles, a call, meet and do. Who is at the meeting point ? Maybe a couple, maybe only one of them, maybe a group is there already ? Call, but a meeting not possible ? OK, call the next one…
But what are the hindrances that such a group couldn’t rise up ?
The loss of narurality, leading to wrong behavior, wrong practice and to unhealthy sex.
Wrong opinions about sexual deseases with on one side too much sacriness and on the other side too much lightheadedness, which is leading again to wrong behavior, wrong practice and to unhealthy sex.
Being jaleous has also it’s effects and selfishness with it’s megalomanic thoughts and mind-states put the wish for a free loving group over the edge.
This only could be lived without selfishness, only naturally without perversions, healthy and with the love to love and to stay like this beyond the words and beyond the always sacry mind, in trust and honorableness.
That’s why this dream bites the dust.
Or what do you mean ?
(This is a raedblae msgease, I know . . .)

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