In no particular order, but numbered for clarity: #1 Admin MUST do a better job of looking for, & removing, fakes. #2 List directly on each prof*le the date of sign up & the last time they were here. That way, U have a better idea of who's currently active or if u're wasting Ur time. #3 Prof*les that don't verify their email should be removed after 3 days. This should be STRICTLY adhered to!! Unless u're a fraud, there's NO reason why U can't verify Ur email & actually, U should do it the day U sign up here! #4 Refer to #1!!! #5 I realize the necessity for certain individuals to protect their identities, but com'on, U don't have to show Ur face. Post SOMETHING that puts a human element to it. The avatars leave much to be desired! Being a PAYING memb*r here, it p*sees me off that admin is more concerned about stupid, trivial things, like when I typed the word "b*by," or "k*dding". Meanwhile, the F-bombs & crude language is very acceptable. WTF! In my humble opinion, admin priorities are very skewed! What do YOU say?
7:40 pm Monday, 10th September, 2018
What a shock! Censored AGAIN for using everyday, common words! |