Musing and Confusing

9:56 am Tuesday, 27th March, 2012


If this were an experiment in a laboratory the results would have been written up by now, the equipment cleaned and put away and the final analysis would be clear. There's just so many timewasters and attention seekers on here that anyone actually interested in meeting is impossible to locate.

My latest "disappointment" is someone who I've been chatting to for weeks, who has twice promised to email me in the past two months with free dates for us to meet and who last week said we would meet this week and that she would email me with a day and time. Guess what, folks...silence!

And the one person I've really trusted as being genuine here has had a change of heart, which I understand entirely, but after calling an end to our chats last week, messaged me out of the blue yesterday to say "hi" and then went offline. Joy, turning quickly to hope and swiftly to exasperation...

Is it time to give up? Answers on a postcard please....

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