Dealing With The Green-Eyed Monster When Swinging Blog Discussion

2:15 pm Tuesday, 28th August, 2018


Jealousy is an obvious issue that you need to address before you even contemplate commencing swinging. Not dealing with this elephant in the room beforehand will certainly come back to bite you in the rear - and not in a fun way! Anyone can be susceptible to the green-eyed monster but if the thought of or sight of a partner being shared gets you particularly upset, swinging might not be your bag and you shouldn’t feel ashamed or upset that you become jealous about this scenario with someone who you have strong emotional ties to.

If you feel like you could separate your emotions from sexual contact when sharing someone and view swinging or open relationships simply as an enhancement to you and your partner’s sex lives whilst still sharing your emotional intimacy which is unaffected as a result, then sharing sexual adventures with other people outside a relationship may very well be for you.

Can You Really Handle It?

Whilst many people are turned on by the thought of imagining their partner having sex with someone else, the actual act of seeing it happen can do quite the contrary and some damage. Even for those who have decided to take up swinging, the first time you see your partner with another, it can be a little jarring despite the fact that you might not be “jealous” in your own terms. The best way to adjust to these early stages of swinging is to take things slowly. You don’t need to go gung-ho into full sex, why not try out a bit of soft swapping first or even just have someone else watch you and your partner getting down to business to dip your toe into the water?

Communication is Key

Another important factor to think about is communication, not just prior to beginning swinging but throughout and following. Grinning and bearing it is NOT a good way to handle things and you don’t want anything to crop up that you haven’t already discussed and hashed out which could potentially be an issue. In the heat of the passion, a discussion on how one another is feeling is going to be a major buzzkill so perhaps settle on a signal which is quick and simple to communicate with one another on how you’re both feeling without needing to speak. For example, a wink to ask ‘You ok?’ and simple one nod or head shake in reply to convey how you’re getting on being positive or negative, relaying should you want to carry on or stop.

Know Your Boundaries

It does help to set boundaries no matter what level of swinging you happen to be at and goes hand in hand with the communication aspect we’ve already spoken of. Dig down deep and decide on what your limits are, if any and disclose them to your partner. Perhaps the thought of them receiving oral sex from someone else turns you on no end but then when you imagine them having intercourse with someone beside you, you become waterlogged. That’s ok, everyone is going to be different in what they feel they can handle and there’s no shame in your boundaries. You may even surprise yourself when reaching the point where you think are your limits with how comfortable you are with it all and decide that you could go even further.

Know You’re Sexy

A big factor which can massively affect how jealous someone becomes is their self-esteem or lack thereof. You need to know how sexy you are and sharing a partner will be much easier if you have that self-belief. Also remember that on the flip-side, they could be dealing with the green-eyed monster at the thought of sharing you, so you are both in the same boat.
If you are capable of separating your emotions from sex in this way, any form of partner sharing can be sexy and enhance your sex life as opposed to hinder it, you do need to be prepared and on the same page as your partner however.

Could you handle seeing your partner getting it on with someone else? If you’re already into the swinging lifestyle or are in an open relationship what are your coping tips should you have any? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

M x


11:08 am Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 paulthoy74

Liked the post 

11:38 am Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 Sonny74

Your description is very accurate what  you fantasize about and  then do are two different things.

12:45 pm Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 leon9noel


4:03 pm Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 stillinthesaddle

Never experimented whilst I was married although it was certainly nothing my ex-wife would ever have contemplated anyway. Met a lady from a different web site and we went for a meal. Halfway through her husband who I knew nothing about came in. Fortunately ( for me) he gave his wife what for. The only pain was the bill for the meal and the breakage. Needless to say I'm wary now. 

4:10 pm Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 rajeshpadia197Surat

Like the post 

4:17 pm Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 stunningu


5:29 pm Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 Deepakkumar30bihar

Very good sex

9:53 pm Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 michaelshawnmurphy796

IAM so horny

10:56 pm Wednesday, 29th August, 2018 littlepasha

I guess I have to reword what I wrote before. The vast majority of people will not take kindly to being asked, or pressured to share their body for their partner`s gratification. The results often lead to serious time in a federal prison (figure it out, folks). If your sex life is so dull, first look to yourself, then your partner. If nothing can be worked out then make a choice about how important your sex life really is in relation to the whole package.

3:09 am Thursday, 30th August, 2018 kannanprajah

What you mention was absolute correct 

11:20 am Thursday, 30th August, 2018 bawa56

who has the time to read all this? show action to save time so that i join fast

4:58 pm Thursday, 30th August, 2018 rambo201

I would love to share my wife being fucked in front of me. I will be the last person to be jealous. I will enjoy seeing her being shared and will even join in 3 some. 

3:22 pm Friday, 31st August, 2018 ZUDOS

Yes I’m only 4ft tall so I’m over looked by you tall people 

3:21 am Saturday, 1st September, 2018 mcintyrebob88

Well said. Love to visit your island

10:45 pm Saturday, 1st September, 2018 upforit9082

thoughtful and VERY accurate article. Well said and presented.

2:52 am Sunday, 2nd September, 2018 dorts2

when my wife and I started swinging it was awkward at first. Then I discovered I was bi and a lot of it went out the window. The first time we shared a cock together I never gave it a second thought. I wanted her to have as much pleasure as she wanted. Sadly she was not impressed with a lot of the guys and their lack of manners and dropped out, while I had the best experiences with a lot of women and t gurls.

8:07 pm Sunday, 2nd September, 2018 JnRach

Great article thanks. My wife and I are about to embark on this path and there are a couple of good tips here like a signal of some kind, id never even thought of that. We have decided that if the option is there we will bypass soft swap and jump straight in so ill keep these tips in mind.

6:08 pm Saturday, 15th September, 2018 Mannpuja


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