Tales From The Lost Girl (pt.28): Not My Guy.

12:39 am Tuesday, 28th February, 2012


It seems that heartache is to be my constant companion. Five weeks it lasted and then he says "I'm just not used to having somebody else around." What the fuck does that mean?!? I was happy, but I don't suppose that matters if he's not. He spent so much time boosting my confidence in so many ways and ripped it all away in one sentence. At least I know now that there are men around who can accept me for the woman that I am. It's just a pity that I didn't have the same interests that I thought I had with him. Damn it, I miss him though! So much for optimism.
Now I'm back to the dating agencies (including some 'straight' ones) in the apparently hopeless quest that is my search for a man. I'm getting the usual folk who think "local" means Spain or India when I live in Scotland, as well as the "how about a shag?" brigade, although I've made it clear in every profile that I'm not into casual sex. If I wanted that I could walk into any pub around here and take my pick! Why is it that the only dating sites that cater for transgendered people seem to be full of sex fiends?!? So what do I want? I suppose the simple answer to that question is - a husband. Aye, that's going to happen! pml

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