In the water

11:10 am Monday, 21st July, 2008


Even though I knew it was late, I also knew that my normal habit of letting rip would have to be curtailed. SLowly, I let my hands move further down my body, the deep hot water allowing me to move in the bath, but it's narrow confines worked to keep me from reaching the object of my desire too easily.

Using my tired and swollen fingers, I circled my hungry pussy, savouring each moment as I knew it wouldn't be long before an orgasm exploded from me due to two weeks' denial. My legs desperately pressed against the sides of the unrelenting enamel bath, straining to create some space to allow my hand further access; the feeling was delicious as I twisted and turned in the water! I needed something narrower to reach my engorged clit, something to stimulate it with; I scanned the huge bathroom, eventually my eyes landing on my bottle of body wash with it's narrow domed taped lid.

I snatched it from the side of the bath, and fastened down the lid securely. I pushed it into the water, and down towards my waiting clit. The bottle was buoyant, adding to the pleasure as it created a natural upsweep for every downward thrust. The slim, smooth, cold plastic bottle felt fabulous in contrast to the hot water around my legs. I pushed it down, deliberately avoiding my screaming, demanding clit, enjoying the sensations against my inner thighs, then bringing the very top of the bottle to play against my arse. On the up sweep, I let it graze against my clit, and had to bite my other hand to stop a moan escaping, it felt incredible!

Over and over I repeated this action, never allowing myself to increase the pace, until I was panting with desire, and by now water was slapping over the sides of the bath. I knew if I wasn't careful, there would soon be angry hostel-users (and possibly the fearsome caretaker) banging on the door!

to be continued..............................

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