Finding new ways to have fun and pay bills

6:35 pm Saturday, 9th June, 2018


Not far from where I live there are a lot of warehouses and trucks lined up to either get loaded with stuff or to get unloaded.  This leads to a lot of down time for the drivers.  So, I get to be their entertainment.  The sleeper area of those trucks are sweet. Some have TV's, bathroom, large bed, a small apartment. Just walking around, being nice and friendly, I might get invited in and well, nature takes it course. Most of them just want to pop and have me leave.  A few want to stay and talk and things. It was here I discovered how to please 2 guys at the same time. The first few times I had no idea what I was doing, lucky they did and they showed me how.  Now, it's like an addiction. The feel of 2 men inside me and doing their thing is the best. 2 guy at once is so much better than any 1 guy, no matter how good he is or thinks he is.

Blog Introduction


Hello world, just looking to have fun