some unknown poems by Oscar Wilde:

1:19 am Thursday, 8th February, 2007


All joy - in the past, irretrievable and evanescent

But in the present - prosperity and despair.

The heart is tired and thirsts in fire at sunset

Of love and passion - its lured by freedom from care.

The heart is tired of prosperitys narrow confines,

It’s in despair, in chains, in complete distress...

Despairs to dream, and to trust, and in darkened numbness

It pulses with sadness, in cast of laziness...

And life charms and conjures, and with the trail

Of family weekdays lures somewhere...

To hearts chagrin: it fears with its betrayal

To end its prosperity in sunset hour.

Oh heart, oh heart! Salvation is in your madness!

While you can burn and beat, burn and keep beating!

Sin braver! May do-gooder come way of mummies:

In sin - oblivion! And there - no bullet or rail can reach me!

You’re loved, sick heart! You’re loved, loved all out!

Love in response! In greeting! Yes, love in ardor!

And be at peace: Live - rightly! And vanquish doubt!

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