Do Looks Really Matter?

12:33 am Wednesday, 9th May, 2018


The short crude answer is "yes", but don't stop reading just yet. The longer answer might surprise you. Because as true as that is, each person's desired image they are seeking is all different. 

Even a blind person wants to feel what attracts them. Attraction is an instinct, and it is not an easy one to ignore. Some people want thin, others voluptuous, others muscular and still others want (fill in blank here). What is important for us to realize is that we are all sexy to someone. 

You may be going through a break-up, you have hit a dry spell or maybe you are just down in the dumps. Don't let that effect your self image or skew your sense of value. Do what is necessary to be healthy, but know there is someone out there that will jump at a chance to know you. You shouldn't have to change over the unfair expectation of someone else.

Stay you and let the ones who find you attractive come find you.

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