Would she go to a concert with me?

2:20 am Tuesday, 24th April, 2018


I’ve been stopping for coffee at this little country store for years and they hired a new girl for the morning shift. About 2 weeks have passed and I’ve been keeping my eyes on her. I caught her looking at me a couple of times but nothing that made me think she was interested. 

The last couple of days have been a little more refreshing because she asked me my name one day and the next day she looked me in the eye and held it for what seemed like a minute. She has the sweetest blue eyes and they say, “Take me now.”  We’ll, at least that’s what they say to me in MY mind!  She has medium sized breasts and I’d say she’s around 35 years old. She has a great ass and her long straight blonde hair, pulled back on one side only, is so sexy to me. Her hair is plenty long enough to hang down over her naked breasts and I pictured that since the first day I saw her. 

On the third day, which was the day after that long glare, I got the courage to ask her if she was seeing anyone. She smiled and excitedly said, “No I am not.”  BOOM...I’m ready to pounce!

I already knew her name from her name tag and was going to ask her on a date but it was going to take at least another day because I wanted to find out what her music preference was. Being several years older than her, I wasn’t sure if she was a lover of Michael Jackson or Jackson Browne. 

I told her I was also single and asked her what she liked for music. She said she liked most anything but good Rock & Roll was her favorite. That’s all I needed to know. She wanted to know why I was asking and I just said I was curious since she was in her 20s. (wink) She said, “Well that’s nice of you to say but I haven’t been in my 20s for several years. BOOM again!  I now know she’s at least in her 30s. I handed her a 5 for my coffee and she smiled and said, “This one is on me Honey” Yeah...I walked out of that place and felt like Sly Stallone. 

I put in a long hard day and thought about her off and on throughout the day and felt confident that she’d accept my invitation, so I ordered tickets to the show. Not Front Row Center but great seats nevertheless.  

I was exhausted but was awake more than I slept because I couldn’t wait for the place to open so I could make my move. 

I finally fell asleep and it seemed like I got about 15 minutes of sleep before the alarm went off. 

I quickly showered and headed to get my coffee. 

I walked in the door and looked over at the register and another girl was working. Her name was Tonya and she has been there for years but she’s no prize winner and nobody I’m interested in. 

I got my coffee and went to the register and asked where E was. T said she had the day off but would be back tomorrow. DAMN!  Now I have to work all day and go through another sleepless night before I can see her. 

The day went by rather quickly and I got home, had a quick bite to eat, took a shower and hit the hay. The next thing I know, the alarm was going off. WOW!  I must’ve been in a coma but I felt rested anyway. 

I got up and took my morning shower and threw on my clothes and was off like a Prom Dress. I couldn’t wait to see her. 

I wheeled in and could see her making coffee right in front of me through that huge window. She was so fine. 

I went inside and she said Good Morning and I said the same to her. I figured having her away from the register may be a little easier for me and I wouldn’t be hurried as much as I would’ve been if she was at the register. 

The place was empty because I was the first one there. Yeah, I was anxious. 

I said, “Hey E!”  She replied, “Yes!”  I said, “You said you liked Rock & Roll music best, right?”  She said, “Yes I do, bands like Foreigner, Aerosmith and Guns N Roses.”  I didn’t waste any time and said, “Emily, it just so happens that I have 2 great seats to see the Red Rocker Saturday night. Would you be interested in going with me?”  Without hesitation, she replied, “Are you serious? You have tickets to see Sammy Hagar? YES, I would really like that and Thank You for asking.”  We exchanged phone numbers and I paid for my coffee and told her to have a great day as I walked outside. 

I called her that night and we talked for hours. We agreed that I’d pick her up at 6:30 so we could talk a bit before going to the show. 

Saturday rolled around and we had lunch together and got to talk quite a bit. That was really nice and I had fun. I think she did as well. 

I brought her home around 4:00 so she could get ready and I went home to do the same. 

I got to her place at 6:25 but I’d rather be early than late. I hate being late for anything. 

I rang he door bell and waited for less than a minute bto fore the door opened. She opened the door and like a fool, I decided to try to be funny and asked if Emily was there. She laughed and said she wasn’t, she had just left with a handsome guy and was on her way to a concert. She played along and that worked for me. 

She had this dress on that showed cleavage that I didn’t even know she had and it was so short that it couldn’t have been more than 6 inches below her cute ass. Her hair was pulled back and her eyes were looking so sexy but that was no different than any other day. 

I walked her to the car and opened the door for her. She got in and her dress creeped up a little more and my heart rate increased. She was a gem. I grabbed the seat belt and reached around her to hook it and when I pulled back, she grabbed my head and pulled me in for a fantastic kiss. It was long but it was just enough to show she was excited and I think she knew I certainly was. 

We wheeled in to a shopping plaza and parked far away from everyone and we visited a while and ended up kissing some more. I had to tell her again how wonderful she looked. She smiled and said she wanted to look nice for me. (Awesome)

While we were kissing, again, I put my hand on her left leg and her kiss got more intense. I took that as a YES and slid my hand up until it touched her dress and then pulled away. She said it was nice and she liked it and I didn’t have to stop. I told her what time it was and she agreed we needed to get moving. 

We got to the show and held hands walking in and kissed a few more times. We found our seats and sat down and flirted with each other as the music played until the opening band came out. 

I was so into buying the tickets, I never looked to see who the opening band was. It turned out to be some newcomers that we had never heard of but they did a good job. 

The lights suddenly dimmed and out cake the man and started playing “Fall in love again”. Sweet. We stood up and I gently moved her in front of me and put my arms around her. She had her arms in the air so I was pretty happy. We listed to the music and before the song was over, she grabbed my hands and moved them to her breasts. I was hoping she couldn’t feel my election poking her cure ass but I’m sure she did. Her girls were nice, REAL nice. 

I was feeling as though she had given me the green light to do as I wanted, so.....I removed my hands from her breasts and put them on the backs of her legs and slid them up under her dress and placed them strategically on her ass. 

My God!  Hagar or not, my mind quickly shifted to sex and I wanted her badly. 

We continued to flirt and have fun throughout the show and left holding hands. 

We got in my truck and she took my right hand and placed it on her leg and then pulled it up under her dress and told me to put my hand in her panties. I did as she requested and she was so wet. I began to massage her clit while playing with her left breast. She was close to climax and pulled my hand away and told me that was just a tease, when we got back to her place, she was going to rock my world. My blood pressure was elevated and so was my dick. 

We got back to her place and went inside. She kicked off her shoes and went to the kitchen. He came back with a couple beers and no bra. It wasn’t hard to tell she tossed it by her firm tits and erect nipples. 

We drank our beers and she stood up, grabbed my hand and took me to her bedroom. This chick had class. Her room was all girl. 

She turned on some soft music and removed my clothes. She was kind enough to put her warm and wet mouth over my shaft and damn near got me off before pulling away. 

She took off her dress and standing there in the candle lit room, she told me to put her on the bed, teR off her panties and put my tongue to work. I had no problem honoring her request. She was mostly shaved and her sweet pussy smelled like roses. 

I made her cum and then she had me lay on the bed so she could ride me. My cock was so hard I thought it was going to explode. She put me deep inside her and pulled back, almost to the point where my dick would come out but she knew what she was doing. She came again and before she was done meaning, I filled her warm pussy with a hot load and it was incredible!

We took a shower and I stayed the night. 

Guess what I did the next morning?

Blog Introduction


I like my girl sexy and naughty with great legs.