Rita & Chips continued

5:37 pm Tuesday, 17th January, 2012


14/12 Woke at 9. Had another great session after Rit woke - ended up in a mutual masturbation session - both coming together!! Rit had some bad news about her Dad which put a bit of a damper on day. Late afternoon Rit went to meet L in London for supper at Montpeliano. Arranged to meet her after in Sanderson at 9.30 for a drink. Had a call from L on site - hoping we can meet up in a couple of weeks in London. Arrived at S for 9.15. P and Coco arrived. Rit arrived at 10 - a little drunk after champagne supper with L. Everyone then seemed to turn up - Ox and Andrew, Simmi, etc. Had a fun time and then took a car with A & Ox to Supper Club. Straight into dancing - A & O left - danced for an hour and then as music changed we left at 1 and took AD home. Massaged Rits feet in taxi home. Bed - adopted position and slept.

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