A sexual exploration.

10:19 am Saturday, 31st March, 2018


Growing up in a conservative environment, my sexual awareness was clouded by Calvinistic undertones. There was hardly a lustful thought that was not weighed down by feeling guilty about my wish to experience the joys of sex. Later I became more relaxed, but the next obstacle loomed; the complex issues experienced by the girls who wondered off the "straight and narrow". I started to believe that no girl would have sex just for the joy of it. There always was an underlying motive. Sweet moola greases the wheels of the knobbing wagon, was my motto. In fact, many guys use their material possessions to lure a girl into bed.
One important issue that liberates the ladies into enjoying sex for what is is, is education. I don't necessarily refer to formal education (that also helps), but having experienced the University of Life. Maybe it is the experiece that sexual boredom with the same partner brings that wakens them up. Maybe it is the realization that Calvin was an ass. I call this the true sexual awakening. Sexual enlightenment. 
I am of course generalizing. But it makes me understand the interaction between the sexes better. Sex really is such a wonderful thing.

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