Updated My Rules on Relations

7:37 am Saturday, 3rd March, 2018


Half a year into lifestyle I've been lucky to encounter people who made this journey pretty smooth, aside from an occasional (but normal) scheduling issues, it has been so far interesting (as expected) and drama-free.

So far I have experienced most of my bucket list items. And now that I've experienced them, now what? Initially I thought of doing a one-and-done rule. Once I experienced it the first time, I'm good. No point of doing it again.

But hey, doing it again with the people you have established good relations or trying it out with new ones ain't a bad thing either.

So I will probably stay here, a bit more. However, I will probably not actively expand my network, focus with current friends. Maybe once in a while if something or someone catch my interest, I will message them. And lastly, keep relations to bare minimum.

Here are the relationships I will engage from now on:

1. I'll be your regular third wheel guy

Relationship: We will talk about life like normal people, have beers, share stories. While in the sack, my role is just to complement your needs as a couple. I will help you realize your fantasies and be supportive of your journey. We will keep it that way and will play by the rules to avoid any conflict.

Interaction: once a month

2. I'm your part-time lover and a full-time friend

Relationship: We will hangout, you will accompany me with guys stuff, I will accompany you with your girly stuff. I can listen to your life problems. We can date and sleep with other people. We can debate about politics and religion. You can share your dreams and passions. We can have lunch together and have quick lunch sex. We can travel and have vacation sex. But we are NOT to fall in love for each other. We will be friends who occasionally fool around.

Interaction: 1-2x a month

3. I'll be the stranger who you share a moment

Relationship: Since I travel a lot, I've been pretty nomadic visiting many places so its nice to find some company. So when I hit your city, we will have the best time exploring the city and if the vibe is right we will also make sweet love.

Interaction: once with the chance to never see each other again

That's it! Those are the only thing I'm looking for here.

Blog Introduction


Sexual Liberation. Expression. Freedom.