Proud to be Transgendered "Sanctuary A Support for Transsexuals LGBT

12:35 pm Monday, 2nd January, 2012


Antonia Hi Daniella, I also have been completely rejected by my family since comming out as a transsexual 5yrs ago. I have been living as a female ever since and only had the support of the few friends I have left so they have become my family now. I have three daughters and again all have rejected me and hav'nt or will never speak to me again nor can I ever forgive my family for what they have done. and they, just as Jan and yourself no longer regard me as their son or daughter or parent of any kind and to add insult to injury my so called family had me committed to an institution for 2yrs and left me to rot without even a phone call to see if I was still alive. This cause has my fullest support and my complete cooperation and I look forward to making a difference in those who are yet to experience this kind of abuse especially from those whos support one would need the most at such times. I fully support this cause and that which this site represents. I too understand what it is to be abused and rejected for being transgendered. Antonia. X

Blog Introduction


I am a Post Op Transsexual woman (Men don't waste your or my time, simply not interested)