The Essential Self, The Essential Self

12:21 pm Wednesday, 14th February, 2018


We can have no sense of the essential Self unless we arrive at our core – that which is deeper than thoughts and emotions, likes and dislikes, opinions and ambitions. It is possible to listen within while following the rising of the breath, to listen for a silence behind thoughts and emotions. This silence is the background of what we normally pay attention to. Once this state is somewhat established, we might direct our mind to our birth, to the mystery of our coming into the world. We can feel love for this being entering life. We might then focus on a funeral, our own. We might bring the beginning and the end of our life into the present moment, viewing this present moment with the eyes of eternity, from the viewpoint of our loving Creator. With this viewpoint, which is that of the essential Self, many wounds can be healed, many mistakes forgiven, and many losses accepted.

Living Presence
Kabir Helminski


3:19 pm Friday, 11th March, 2022 guitarpla004igcaj

Great job 

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