Eurovision Song Contest....My Entry

11:35 pm Friday, 23rd May, 2008


My bowel movements seemed so far away,
Now they've turned into a chocolate spray,
Oh, what did I eat yesterday.

I'm not half the man I used to be,
Vindaloo has taken hold of me,
Oh, dysentry came suddenly.

Why I
Had to go I don't know, I sat and prayed.
I ate,
Something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

I could run and jump and laugh and play,
Now I need a place to hide away,
There's nothing hard since yesterday.

I had
Toilet rolls and wet wipes to last the day .
I need,
Immodium or I'm scared I'll fade away.

So far today,
I think I've sprayed at least a stone away,
This runny arse feels like it's here to stay
Oh, what did I eat yesterday.

Blog Introduction


try walking a mile in your enemies the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him