Tales From The Lost Girl (pt.7): Nutters.

12:16 am Friday, 23rd December, 2011


Call it a knack; call it what you like; I attract nutters. Might be why I was good at psychi nursing. Anyway, the first place I lived in in London belonged to a totally insane pre-op TS. [I don't think the doctors agreed though!] This creature put me through 9 months of psychological torture and sleep deprivation interrogations and I was young and naive, told this was for my own good and I believed it. It wasn't until the course in mental health nursing that I found out what was actually happening. I was lucky to get 4 hours sleep a week and I lost 2 stone in weight. When I got back home (after the creature assaulted me) my parents were aghast. They said "You look like something out of Belsen!"
Also during this time, I was introduced to a guy by another flatmate. I was still pre-op and I wanted nothing to do with it, but by the end of the night I was drunk and he had his hand up my skirt. I always wore a girdle that was 2 sizes too small, so there was no hint of anything being there that shouldn't. The flatmate later told him what I was going through. I met him again many years later and he told me how the news had affected him. He had decided that he was going to get me on my own and cut me with the switchblade he'd been carrying for that purpose and to achieve this end he'd been stalking me for months! Imagine how I took that snippet of information! Fortunately, in the intervening years he'd gained a bit of insight and wisdom.
'K' - don't start me on that one!!!
And that's only 3 examples of the insanity I draw like a magnet.

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