A journey into giving

5:13 am Thursday, 7th December, 2017


You enter my home and look around. A bachelor pad: a lack of color and art, if figures. You see the note laying on the kitchen table and walk over to see it. It reads simply, "Down the hall, to the right." You look around and stash you coat on a chair and peer down the hall. Just a hallway with three doors, one right across, one to the left and one to the right. You can't fight the temptation and look into the other two rooms, the first a small bedroom obviously used for storage, the other a well furnished bedroom: a king size bed and matching furniture. Time for the big step, you walk across the hall and slowly open the door.

Inside you see a much smaller bed with little else. On the bed are some items that look interesting and another note. It reads simply, "Put these to good use, I will be home soon." You look at the items and you see a pair of ankle cuffs, a pair of thigh cuffs, a pair of handcuffs, a ball gag and a blindfold. You think, "Looks simple, but what if..."

You decide that it would be better if you took off some of your clothes, but not naked. You leave on your panties, bra and pantyhose, sit on the edge of the bed and put on the ankle cuffs. They are held together by a small padlock and there is a small chain that leads to the foot of the bed. The thigh cuffs next, then the blindfold. At this point, you are not sure and know that you could just change you mind, but there is something here that is very exciting. You put on the gag, knowing that it must be tight or there will be consequences. You swing your legs onto the bed and take the final step. As the second handcuff clicks home behind your back, you have a fleeting thought, "Was this really a good idea?" You lay back to wait what may come. "It is too late now," you ponder.

It does not take long, perhaps a half an hour, and you hear the front door open. Heavy footsteps follow the same path you took into the kitchen. You hear a chair move and hope that it is the one you came to see, but you don't know. Footsteps coming closer and you wait to here the door to the room you are in open, but instead you hear the door across the hall open and close. There is the sound of someone doing small movements and it seems like forever. Eventually, you hear the door open again and footsteps going down the hall. "What the hell?" you think."What is the deal, doesn't he know I am here?" Things go quiet and then you hear a television go on somewhere.

"He is watching television?!" you think. "What the hell!" You decide to give him a good talking to when you can. But right now, there is little you can do about it. You lay there, waiting.

Suddenly, a touch, nothing more. Someone has touched your face. Nothing is said. You try to talk, but with the gag you cannot say anything that sounds like words. You feel the touch again, a caress on your face and neck and the sound, "Shhh." You decide to go with it and await what happens next.

You feel the ankle cuffs being removed, then being replace by something thinner that binds your feet together tight, but your ankles do not touch. Next the same with the thigh cuffs. Then the return of the return of the caress of your cheek and you feel a kiss on your forehead. Strong hands appear on your arm and just below your butt on your leg, you feel yourself being rolled onto you side. Then you feel the thin constriction on your arm and you realize that your elbows are being pulled toward one another until they are nearly touching. You feel your breasts swell out against your bra and realize the reason for this. Once your arms are well restricted, you feel the handcuffs being removed, but what can you do? The thin restriction is now going around your wrists. and you find your hands being lashed together, palm to palm. Up to now, you have been docile, but you decide to see what you can still move, You move your legs and find that they are securely together, one does not move without the other. The caress returns and starts at your cheek and slowly runs down to your shoulder, to the side of your breast, gently and softly down your side and onto your stomach. It holds there for a moment as if it is tasting your skin. Suddenly you feel breath on your neck and then a pair of lips touch you gently near the back of your ear. You are now being kissed on your neck and caressed on your stomach as the hand moves back to where your pantyhose and meet your rear. You feel the pantyhose being pulled down and you feel the air touch your butt. The breath become warmer as you feel the kissing slow and then stops. Next your panties are pulled down and you realize that you are now wearing these items near where your thighs are tightly held. The and is now caressing your hip and down your thigh, moving to the areas where your thighs meet and then back again to your hip.

The hand leaves and you feel hands at your back at the clasp of your bra. It is undone and you feel the hands move to the front and pull the fabric away from your breasts as the air touches them slightly cool, leaving you exposed. Now the kissing is on the front of your neck and moving down. Before they reach your breasts, you feel something getting on the bed and a face being laid on your chest. You are now being held, close and warm. You realize that the body that is beginning to touch your body, is bare and as arms wrap around you, you feel feet caress your legs and pull you closer, closer until you are wrapped by this warm entity that now holds you like none you can remember holding you before. You feel the strength and yet tender touch begin to explore every part of your body. The kisses are on your chest above your breasts and move down onto your stomach. You feel them stop and you hear the breathing hold as if it is breathing in your smell, gaining nourishment from your smell, relishing the very air of you.

Blog Introduction


dom male seeking sub female for interesting times