Restrained beauty

4:36 pm Monday, 30th October, 2017


She was standing in the centre of the room. Her slender arms stretched out and up.
A chain attached each of the leather cuffs on her wrists led to the ceiling. Her long legs were spread and anchored to the floor.
She was my sexy captive. Naked apart from a thong leather cuffs and a blindfold
I watched as she pulled at her restraints. She was strong but she had no chance of freeing herself.
She flinched as I flicked her nipple with my favourite riding crop. I pressed myself up behind her raising her chin and whispered in her ear. I’m going to make it all better. I took her nipple in my mouth and teased the pain away with my tongue.
I hooked my thumbs into the elastic of her underwear and gently pulled her thong up. The fine material moulded to her pussy defining her shape. I think your going to need some of my attention down there dear.
My riding crop made a sharp satisfying sound when it smacked against her pert buttocks. I took pleasure in watching her body tense and pull against her bonds. I knelt down behind her taking her bottom in both my hand and gently kissed the redness away

I couldn’t take my eyes away from her. She was so prefect. Tall, slim, toned and helpless.
My cock was so hard and her pussy looked so good. My mouth started to water.
I knelt down before my captured princess.
Thwack Thwack THWACK! In quick successions. She bucked and thrashed as I worked my crop across her pussy.
You poor poor thing! I tenderly pulled her panties down exposing her.
I’m going to make it all better.


7:01 pm Monday, 27th July, 2020 ajn17

Yes. This is how I want to be trapped.

Blog Introduction


Just up for some fun and games.