Why Are We really here?

11:04 am Wednesday, 25th October, 2017


First of all,I respect each and everyone that is using this site.I also believe that each individual has thier own opinion and are unique in thier own ways.I have just noticed that on most of the profile intro.Almost everyone has set high **** qualification (as if the meet up will lead to marriage).Another thing that I alway****ome accross `leave me a chat or a message that will impress me`.Sometimes interesting and intelectual people stand out as the conversation progress.The opening remarks does not make the movie great,the plot starts in the middle and we sit,think and await for the ending.What is an opening message that is impressive?Any example?Any clue?.Why some profile intro if read carefully it seems they are looking for LOVE.

Again it brings me to my question.      Why are we really here??

I write this with no intention of hurting anyone or stepping in anyone`s toes.I also apologize in advance if I mispelled some words or wrong use of grammar.

I have joined site like this for fun and meet people and eventually became friends or wherever it leads.And most importantly SEX!


6:29 pm Thursday, 26th October, 2017 here2pleaseU198

Thanks for the comment SuperHot Foxypinay.Sorry for adding something on your name.Honesty earned you Super and the inteligence made you even HOTter! And lets be honest even if all the faces on your 3 pictures were covered beauty will always stand out!Diamond will always shine!

9:09 am Saturday, 4th November, 2017 naddycee

Different people. Different preference. Different expectations.

Blog Introduction


Its me. Another day at a wedding