Vibes, Energy and Connection

6:57 pm Monday, 9th October, 2017


There is desire is proof enough sex is for more than just procreation.

Yet we have come to a point where we have become open about sex yet we treat it so mechanically.

body being just a vessel for PRANA( essence of life ), which has been and will continue to transcend eternally. 

Sex can be one of those sacred moments when two transcedental energies can become one and help each other to raise their vibrational energy and body awareness. 

Orgasm can be a moment built over days to shake the dust off our unknown senses, but yet we merely choose it to be a 5-10 min of pleasure. Where we have become so objective to reach the goal then to enjoy the journey. 

Male sexuality has been also clouded by the veil of masculinity, love for the number of pussies than the mystical avenue with hidden labrynthine of sacred vagina and dicks I wanna get lost in. 

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