Hill Billies

9:30 am Monday, 7th April, 2008


At the local Evangelical Church down in Alabama the preacher delvered his sermon to the shoeless, dungaree-wearing masses.
'There has been a lot of blasphemy! People telling tales of spirits and ghosts! There is ony one ghost and that is the holy ghost! Can any of you brothers and sisters tell me now.......has anyone seen a ghost?'
Billy-Bob raised his hand.
'Have any of you brothers and sisters heard a ghost?'
Again Billy-Bob raised his hand.
'Then has any of you brothers and sisters had sexual relations with a ghost?'
'I have' shouts Billy-Bob at the back.
A gasp from the masses and they all turned to look at him.
'You Billy-Bob? You have had sex with a ghost?'
'Aww shit' says Billy-Bob 'I thought you said a goat'

Blog Introduction


try walking a mile in your enemies shoes....at the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him