Some respect to the life style please.

9:12 pm Saturday, 2nd September, 2017


I appreciate all the people posting their pictures here in the site. Thank you for that, it helps the community and helps us, members, to get an idea of who we are connecting with. The pictures give us a sense that we are communicating with legit people. Again thank you for that. To the rest of the members who flood the media posts of others with no sense of manners please, grow up, have some culture, show some respect, and don't be pigs.  Yes we all came here to get laid, swing, and meet people with the same mind set as us, but it should come and be paid with some respect, not just to the life style but to the people in the life style as well. Show some brains in your comments section. Comment something that will entice the mind and not just the genitalia. Be sophisticated enough or at least try to know how to actually charm the person so that they will feel respected and would actually give you a chance to meet with them. Because as far as I know, treating women like hoes will not get you laid. I've been in the swinging scene for some time and I've met some great people, they all express the same appreciation for respect. Showing and giving respect only amplifies that you have balls and that you can treat a woman right, not just for a one night stand, but maybe even for a casual meet every now and then. Respect the lady and remind her the FRIENDS part of FRIENDS with BENEFITS and the BUDDY in FUCK BUDDY. Being a pig won't get you laid, respect will.Peace,-TheMightyBubs


1:36 am Wednesday, 6th September, 2017 KopolCebu

still in cebu?

Blog Introduction


I'm not thirsty for fcks, I've had my fair share. Focusing on self improvement, but will swing for stress relief.