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Fantasy, imagination and all that funny stuff

11:35 pm Thursday, 27th July, 2017

Why do people laugh at the mention of sex? Is it really that funny?  It has always struck me as a very undignified business and grossly unhygienic.
Well, there is nothing dignified about getting screwed with your Keck's round your ankles. And what about being bound hand and foot while someone pastes your bum, I ask you..where is the dignity in that!
And then there's the hygiene. Why did nature choose to combine all those sensitive pleasure zones with the bodies waste disposal systems. OK, I suppose you just take a bath.
Trouble is - like every living thing on the planet - we are programmed to be sexy.
But is it only humans who can be inventive, imaginative and erotic. Maybe not. I mean, why do cats lick their bits? Are they really only having a wash? And why do dogs grip your leg and try to make love to your trousers?
My aunt had a budgie which could regularly be seen pleasuring itself on a plastic ring in it's cage. It laid loads of eggs.. non of which hatched. I told her she should give it to the bloke down the road who bred them hem for a hobby. The poor creature would have made a good little breeder...no, I said 'breeder'.
Some plants and crustaceans have dual sex, judging by the number of trans people around these days, I can't help wondering if humanity is going the same way..if it is the genetic reproduction system hasn't caught up.Anyway differing sexual preferences are nothing new. The Romans positively approved of homo sexuality as a means of controlling population. And consider the toga...when you really look Its not too different from the mini dress...but whatever did they wear underneath?..especially on the draughty ramparts of Hadrian's wall. I imagine furry knickers to be impossibly itchy.
Dear me..what am i going on about and where does all this leave us gurls...who cares? Sex is funny...well it makes me laugh but I suppose that depends on how you do it. I am giving up now...my brain aches.
Erica Jay

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