Fists of fury

5:15 pm Friday, 29th February, 2008


Miss L contacted the surgery to ask about the dangers of fisting as she was about to embark on a night of gynaecological pugilism. Well, I explained that fisting was not everyone's cup of tea but whatever fills your hole.
The dangers are obviously tearing and fissures which can and often do occur. Miss L said her partner had mentioned that it must be a doddle as babies heads come through a vagina. What he failed to understand is that hormones prepare the body for childbirth by making the vagina stretch. The brain does not sanction the release of such hormones during a fisting.
The muscles of the vagina can tear which can lead to a spell of incontinence and over a prolongued period can lead to a prolapse where you can amaze your friends by showing them your bowels dropping through your pussy.
Its a dodgy business and the vagina may never shrink to its original proportions as it is being stretched without the body being prepared naturally but for those who enjoy it and take part regularly.....give them a big hand!

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try walking a mile in your enemies the end of the day you have new shoes and a head start on him