More En Femme Musings

4:24 am Sunday, 4th June, 2017


Something at the back of my mind all the time is the need to make a choice between transvestite, transexual or trangender. I feel that he latter, although perhaps my deepest desire, is unlikely just due to time. But the others each have real merit (and issues too).
As I embrace my feminine persona more I am becoming less attached to the physical attributes of my male persona. It may be easier to be feminine if the outside world sees me as a woman. External acceptance makes internal assimilation so much easier. I have no doubt that there will be a tipping point where I identify as woman who sometimes appears as a man rather than the reverse.
That will be the point where the decision I have to make about being transvestite, transexual or trangender will become more significant. There have been a few stages in my life getting here so another couple of stages is nothing to baulk at really.

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