put thru my paces!

12:25 am Tuesday, 12th February, 2008


I have known J for about 3 years. We started as casual acquaintances,meeting through a mutual-interest website, he loved to tease me about my job with a well known party plan company. One day, we were joking by text, and I happened to mention that we had a product which reminded me of him; I had one in my kit and wanted to name it after him, did he mind? J is a bit vain, really, and so he agreed at once! Wasn't so impressed when he realised what his namesake looked like! Anyway, one thing lead to another and I found myself inviting him to model for me at a party I was having at my house to launch the new lines to my friends. I sent the text, thinking he would just laugh and send a witty reply, but how wrong could I be? He was well up for it!

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